Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just can't shake this diddee

Soak It In

Here ya go kiddies! Chew on this for a little bit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Watching all the tribute and remembrance ceremonies of the 9/11 tragedy helped me to reflect of where I was and what I was doing when the planes hit. I recall living in Fargo at the time and arriving to work at Valentino's Restaurant. My boss was watching a small T.V. in the party/side room (which has now been remodeled) watching the breaking news and calling to us to come over. I remember watching in astonishment at the insane and unbelievable tragedy, that the Republicans have begun to "trademark" since then, unfold. It also makes me think of my parents and many of yours talking about the day Elvis died, JFK was shot, or when Lennon was murdered. This is an event that will become something passed on to our children. You know, of where we were and what we were doing when the planes hit.

So, my question to you is:

Where were you and what were you doing when the planes hit the Twin Towers seven years ago?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

In Recent News.............................

1. I realized that trying to pound out a decent blog while slightly intoxicated (and I say that loosely), is a bad idea. No matter how appropriate it seems at the time.

2. Russia is close to Alaska, and that makes Palin qualified being a VP candidate.

3. O'Reilly is a hypocrite.

4. If McMarble Mouth McCain gets elected, We are all FUCKED! (And I am moving to Canada, Holland, France, or any other European country with better health care than us.)

5. This moustache Kicks So Much ASS, you could shake a stick at it. Literally!

6. Jennie, Ben & I are planning on being the Tenenbaums. Not sure which character I would portray for Halloween.

7. I got Nothing else.

These go to 11!

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...................................Sunday..........................Funday!
Actually it kind of sucked until I turned this shit up to 11 and rocked out to a little "Stonehenge" and "Love Pump".

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rage Against The FUCKING Machine!

Can't complain for a Wednesday night, especially during the RNC. Got off work around 5:30ish and met up with Jennie and a co-worker at "the Local" for a drink or two. After the rest of the crew met up with us, we meandered towards "Donovan's" for fish & chips and a pint or two before the show. On the way I noticed more than normal police presence (riot gear and all).

Pictures and words do not explain how "Kick-Ass" this sight was!

This was sight One and Two of the floor crowd from out seats. It looked liked one body in motion during the show. Absolutely Crazy! Such an awesome show to be a part of especially during a historic time in our political history. This one WILL be remembered!

After the show we notice an escalated amount of police "protection" around downtown. At one point, entire sections of bike lanes were blocked off and police in riot gear hassled us from walking down the street that our bikes were locked up on.

The lights you see turning into the "bike lane" our motorcycle police. So, are they above the law?
Last time I checked, I pay taxes here and obey all of your laws. So.........................why am I and my girlfriend being hassled (Man do I wish I had a pic of these clowns) for no reason? Just because the RNC has something going on in ONE part of a SPECIFIC building, I am being hassled? What the FUCK! I have not lived here long, but as far as I am concerned, this is my city and I will be damned if you come into my city and tell me I can not bike certain roads or walk down certain sidewalks. That is were I draw the Fuckin Line!

Lord Stanley's Cup

Lord Stanley's Cup
"the Holy Grail"