Thursday, October 23, 2008

Check It!

Mall Walking

Wow, time flys when you are having fun. More news to follow along with pictures.... And Yahtzee. Oh yeah, here is what I am planning on being for Halloween.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just can't shake this diddee

Soak It In

Here ya go kiddies! Chew on this for a little bit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Watching all the tribute and remembrance ceremonies of the 9/11 tragedy helped me to reflect of where I was and what I was doing when the planes hit. I recall living in Fargo at the time and arriving to work at Valentino's Restaurant. My boss was watching a small T.V. in the party/side room (which has now been remodeled) watching the breaking news and calling to us to come over. I remember watching in astonishment at the insane and unbelievable tragedy, that the Republicans have begun to "trademark" since then, unfold. It also makes me think of my parents and many of yours talking about the day Elvis died, JFK was shot, or when Lennon was murdered. This is an event that will become something passed on to our children. You know, of where we were and what we were doing when the planes hit.

So, my question to you is:

Where were you and what were you doing when the planes hit the Twin Towers seven years ago?

Lord Stanley's Cup

Lord Stanley's Cup
"the Holy Grail"