Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well do ya, PUNK?

So, I went out for a ride after work yesterday. A little over 1 km into the ride, some a**hole in a ugly-a** seafoam green piece of shit ford (contour or taurus) almost hit me. Two full (empty) lanes to use and he comes about 6 inches from my left elbow. But wait, that is not all. Then the prick proceeds to throw his hand up in the air followed by flipping me off. The nerve of that cocksucker to flip me off. I then proceeded to give him the ever popular double bird hoping that he would either stop or turn around so that i could give him a piece of my mind. Needless to say, i was pissed off at that moment. Then about 16 km in my seat adjusted itself. To my amusement, i forgot to replace my multitool and ended up riding the following 16 km home either standing or sitting in agonizing pain. 70 degrees with slight breeze out of the SW and clear skies. Could not ask for a better day to have a shitty ride. After reflecting on this ride, I remembered something that Bryce (an ex-military soldier that contracted meningitis overseas while on duty) told me after i turned him down for a ride home from the bar, "You're so lucky". Just thinking about that made me smile and think, "I am one lucky f**ker!"

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Lord Stanley's Cup

Lord Stanley's Cup
"the Holy Grail"